Saturday, January 1, 2011

Highway 431 Widening

I am passing along a notice I saw in the Robertson County Times. Jim Bellis reports that the Tennessee Department of Transportation is holding a "design public meeting" on January 13, 2011 at 5:00pm at Springfield High School.

The formal notification can be found here at the TDOT website. Here is the part that will interest everyone:
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) will conduct a design public meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2011 in the small auditorium of Springfield High School, 5240 Hwy 76 East, Springfield, TN to discuss SR-65 (U.S. 431) from Old Highway 431 to Walling Road in Robertson County as shown on the general location map.
This project proposes to widen approximately 3.3 miles of SR-65 along the existing alignment. The proposed road will consist of two 12' travel lanes in each direction divided by a 52' depressed grass median. The proposed right-of-way will vary throughout the project with a minimum of 250'.
I hope that you will plan to attend. As this will have a tremendous impact on your District 10, Springfield and Robertson County, I plan to attend. Here are the details of the meeting:
The meeting will be held from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. during which time there will be a presentation and question and answer session. The public is invited to ask questions and make comments during the meeting. Representatives from TDOT will be present to answer questions on any aspect of the project. The preliminary plans will be displayed and the public is invited to review the displays anytime within the scheduled two hours.
I hope to see you there!

UPDATE: Our State Representative Joshua Evans provided this in the comments section in response to a comment. I just wanted to pass this along in the body of the post:

This meeting is on phase 2 of what will be a multi phase project. Phase 1 is two miles from Memorial Blvd up to where this project would begin, and should begin in the next two years. This is not a small addition, a highway of this type can cost $6 to $12+ million per mile. With these first two phases being a 5 mile total project, and the state picking up the cost, it would be a huge addition to the county. As for the future, the current state rep that covers the Davidson County portion, Rep. Gary Moore, is supportive of the project going all the way to I-24, and he and I will continue to work to get that project on the drawing board and funded... but it will be a long project. If we can get these first two phases moving, it would be a great start. Joshua


  1. Do you think that this small road addition will gain the county a return that will justify the expense? I feel we need to go all the way to I-24 and not stop at Old Coopertown Pike. I realize that the Davidson County side isn't interested in this expansion because they don't stand to gain anything. But this expanion is very important to us

  2. Steve,

    This meeting is on phase 2 of what will be a multi phase project. Phase 1 is two miles from Memorial Blvd up to where this project would begin, and should begin in the next two years. This is not a small addition, a highway of this type can cost $6 to $12+ million per mile. With these first two phases being a 5 mile total project, and the state picking up the cost, it would be a huge addition to the county.
    As for the future, the current state rep that covers the Davidson County portion, Rep. Gary Moore, is supportive of the project going all the way to I-24, and he and I will continue to work to get that project on the drawing board and funded... but it will be a long project. If we can get these first two phases moving, it would be a great start.

