Sunday, August 14, 2011

Robertson County: Notorious?

This will likely be an unpopular post.

With that being said, I must address this story. For, as you can see here, it becomes that much more notorious (see the right-hand sidebar – this is a daily publication sent to members of the Tennessee Bar Association).
I have said it before, and will maintain that we must address the issues facing our schools. We must, because internally or externally, they will be solved by others. And, it is not just a federal investigation. We can continue to be concerned with how each of our schools performs with regard to state and federal standard.
Again, I will continue to state that there is not a silver bullet solution, so we must continue to leave all options on the table as we move forward.
It is my hope that the formation of the “Study Committee for Review and Recommendation of Educational Initiatives in the Springfield School Cluster” will go a long way to address these issues.
What this growing concerns illustrates to me is that the finger-pointing must cease and the sectionalism throughout the communities must cease.
Like it or not, this is a Robertson County issue.
Internally or Externally, something must be done, and that thing will affect the entirety of Robertson County.


  1. Excellent comments Jonathan. I know leading our County to address some difficult issues is not easy for the commissioners, but I trust they will at least debate the budget.

  2. Take the politics out of the school issue, hire a consultant group to give you the solution.
    There may actually be someone who knows more than we do about education.

  3. We need to face the fact that either we as a county can work together to fix things in our schools or the Federal Government will come in and "fix" them for us. If we want any control over the way OUR schools are run, we need to put aside our differences and work together for the good of ALL of the students in Robertson County, not just the ones in our particular community. Let's stop pointing fingers at each other and realize that all of our schools are equally important and that every student in Robertson County deserves the best facilities and education that we can provide them. If we can build a state of the art jail, surely we can provide adequate buildings and textbooks for our students.
